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Andrea passes the Pen to......

My name is Andrea Owens. I'm an Artist from California that specializes in Spiritual and Religious Art.


-klik to go to my facebook page-

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Marlo Dezegar passes the Pen to Andrea Owens.

Marlo Dezegar

TaroTao Tarot groep op Facebook.


"Tarot is really a tool that more people should explore in order to discover and understand their own various and deep facets as humans. So, I decided to create TaroTao for everyone willing to know more about these famous cards and learn how to use them. Topics range from traditional symbolism, numerology, spirituality to fields of esoterism such as Qabalah, and even oracles. Of course, many Tarot groups already exist but I believe our particularity lies in the fact that we work more like a family. Indeed, we get to know each other through specific concerns about our existential problems, life in general and finally, our tarot reading practice. I think that tarot is one of the few things able to bring this kind of closeness between people."


I think that on the Internet, people drop the barriers they usually keep up in "real life" and that makes things easier to feel them and get closer to them. I perceive my interaction with other people and their input as something very enriching because they bring their own perception and their own experience which often help me question my own reasoning and thoughts. I keep the group and family active by sharing various posts to make members discover new things and I also ask them different questions to know their opinions and their little habits about tarot The main problem is that the group is still small and we have many beginners who only observe and are probably a bit afraid of stepping in the conversation. Or maybe the real issue is that I post crappy things!

Rating: 5 sterren
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